1. Last name: Kudaravalli 2. Middle name: 3. First name: Chetan 4. Occupation: Software developer 5. DOB: 16th December,1997 6. Email id: chetankudaravalli16@gmail.com 7. Contact no: 2016430828 8. Current address: 11143 fort samuel Dr, Bridgeton MO 63044 9. Marital status on 31st Dec 2021: Not married 10. Visa status on 31st Dec 2021: H1B 11. No of months stayed in US in the year 2021: 12 months 12. State lived in US in 2021(mention name & date if lived more than one state): 1 13. How many stimulus pay checks (3rd stimulus) received and mention the amount 2021: 0 14. Any Advance child tax credit amount received in 2021: No 15. Any loans in India or USA: No 16.First port of entry date to USA: 6th aug, 2019 17.First name (spouse): 18.Last name(spouse): 19.D.O.B(spouse): 20:SSN: 361355497