First Name: Veera Venkat Sai Last name: Kotla SSN : 782-03-5876 Cuurent Address: 9200 Vetereans Memorial Parkway Apt 9104 O'Fallon Missouri 63366 Occupation : Software Engineer Visa Status : H1B DOB: 02/20/1992 Date of Marriage: not married Email ID: Maritial Status: Single Indian Address: 7-8/15A, Raghavendra Nagar, Nacaharm, Hyderabad, Telangana 500076 3rd Stimulas check amount: 900$ Resident states from 1st jan to 31st Dec 2021: Missouri NO spouse and kids from jan to dec in which state you have stayed? Misoouri do you purchase any eletronic car like Tesla? NO Do you have home loan in USA or Inida? used to have, which cleared in 2021 did you recievie any IRS interest for late refund? No