Bank Name : chase Routing Number : 075000019 Account Number : 798615220 Checking / Saving Account : Checking Account Holder Pls. provide the below details to E - File your taxes with IRS and state departments. 1.⁠ ⁠If Filing status is Single, provide only your ID proof 2.⁠ ⁠If Filing Jointly, provide you and your Spouse ID proof Driving License/ State issued photo ID Taxpayer Spouse Number 17-157-5995 17-233-9308 Issued State Colorado Colorado Issued Date 03/03/2023 07/07/2023 Expiration date 03/03/2026 07/07/2026 Type of ID Driving License Driving License SSN/ITIN (TAX PAYER AND SPOUSE ) 001-95-7001 795-65-7654