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4/24/2024 12:27 PM 216751 2023 Sales Report-Square POS_638495800424719059.pdf
4/24/2024 12:27 PM 2446394 2023 W2-Gaurav Vaidya_638495800217844988.pdf
4/24/2024 12:28 PM 166967 certified- Certificate of formation_638495801041434886.pdf
4/24/2024 12:28 PM 21720 Chase 1098_638495801250496656.pdf
4/24/2024 12:30 PM 19720 Copy of 2023-Independent-Contractor-Sole-Prop-Worksheet (003)_638495802254554360.xlsx
4/24/2024 12:30 PM 14077 EIN Confirmation_638495802477209386.pdf
4/24/2024 12:31 PM 973019 GlobalTaxes_TaxOrganizer_2023R-Gaurav Vaidya_638495802663302190.docx
4/24/2024 12:37 PM 814964 GTAX FEDERAL FINAL DRAFT COPY TY-2023_638495806500609183.pdf
4/24/2024 12:37 PM 1828544 GTAX STATE FINAL DRAFT COPY TY-2023_638495806762013175.pdf
4/24/2024 12:31 PM 16542 IDS_638495802778301871.docx
4/24/2024 12:31 PM 129669 NJ - Business Registration - Hard Copy_638495803027362997.pdf
4/24/2024 12:32 PM 894741 NJ Tax Payer ID_638495803245330710.jpg
4/24/2024 12:32 PM 88919 Official Formation Document_638495803527360898.pdf
4/24/2024 12:32 PM 117009 Rasika Vaidya 2023 - W2_638495803723297263.pdf
4/24/2024 12:33 PM 40250 Robinhood Markets Consolidated Form 1099_638495803969232323.pdf
4/24/2024 12:33 PM 209187 Sales tax paid_638495804171260677.png
4/24/2024 12:34 PM 89303 Short Form Standing_638495804442038152.pdf
4/24/2024 12:35 PM 10861 TAX SUMMARY TY-2023 A_638495805320777028.xlsx