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1/27/2024 12:36 AM 1052890 2020 W2 and other documents_637618871670593728.pdf
1/27/2024 12:36 AM 7444 6013G SING_637618871847582130.PNG
1/27/2024 12:36 AM 4060252 8879 CLIENT COPY_637618873340877549.pdf
1/27/2024 12:36 AM 85176 Car insurance payment -1_637618867810531077.pdf
1/27/2024 12:35 AM 75726 Car insurance payment-2_637618868033188664.pdf
1/27/2024 12:35 AM 33788 conformation_637618872138520792.PNG
1/27/2024 12:35 AM 128622 DL_637618873441660857.jpeg
1/27/2024 12:35 AM 179160 Electric bill from Jan to Jul 2020_637618868413034632.pdf
1/27/2024 12:35 AM 234105 Electric Bill from Jul to dec 2020_637618868643660935.pdf
1/27/2024 12:35 AM 11288 expenses_637618872339771576.docx
1/27/2024 12:35 AM 993907 Form 8879 signed_subhransu Tripathy_637618873797917482.PDF
1/27/2024 12:35 AM 808544 G TAX FILING COPY-2020_637618874937465869.pdf
1/27/2024 12:35 AM 1112064 GLOBAL_TAX_ORGANISER-2020-Subhransu Tripathy_637618872510553489.doc
1/27/2024 12:35 AM 76376 GTAXSERVICES-TAX SUMMARY TY 2020_637618874583711149.pdf
1/27/2024 12:35 AM 11905 IDS_637618872779773299.docx
1/27/2024 12:35 AM 649122 Kiran's Kaiser hospitalization bill pay-1_637618869345539759.PDF
1/27/2024 12:35 AM 558174 Kiran's Kaiser hospitalization bill pay-2_637618869913354986.PDF
1/27/2024 12:35 AM 807936 Lease Extension_637618870557264122.pdf
1/27/2024 12:35 AM 13377 mail info_637618870704139952.docx
1/27/2024 12:35 AM 72028 REFUND STATUS_637618875075748798.PNG
1/27/2024 12:35 AM 264817 Rental agreement for Nikita_637618871052266223.pdf
1/27/2024 12:35 AM 14188 TAX SUMMARY_637618874731682106.xlsx
1/27/2024 12:35 AM 118978 WIFE DL_637618873592757577.jpeg